2024 Art Fair on the Square – Young Artists

The Deer Path Art League welcomes young artists to apply to the2024 Art Fair on the Square!

This is a wonderful opportunity for the next generation of entrepreneurs to sell their own artwork in a professional setting.

Click here for the 2024 Young Artist application: 2024 Young Artist Application

Application Deadline: June 30th, 2024

Click below to pay the $10 application fee:

Important Information:

  • Spaces are extremely limited.
  • Open to children under the age of 18.
  • 10% of your show sales will be donated to Deer Path Art League.
  • Fill out an application and email a legible, scanned copy (clear photo is acceptable) of the filled-out application to: linda@lindascholly.com
    • Be sure to include 3 photos showing your best original artworks.
    • Each picture should clearly feature one, original, piece of artwork.
  • Application Deadline: June 30th – This is to give Young Artists the opportunity for enough time to create their artwork inventory. This is at the Artists discretion; you can offer as much artwork as your 36″ table space allows.








